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Location: 1530
Published: Anvers 1571 (1572)
Size: 313 x 528mm.
Color: Uncolored
Condition: Size of paper: 43 cm x 56 cm overall. Verso: Partially backed with Japanese tissue, professionally mending a few splits/creases and mainly marginal worm holes. Dimensions: 43 cm x 56 cm overall. (map: 31,3 cm x 52,8 cm)
THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST STATE landmark world map, edited by Benito Arias, known as Montanus after his birthplace. This well ..
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Location: 1587
Published: Amsterdam, 1587
Size: 282 x 524mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Some minor paper thinness along centerfold. Paper slightly age-toned, as usual. Very good condition.
Gerard Mercator's great world map of 1569 was condensed into double hemispherical form by his son Rumold. It first appeared i..
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Location: 1605
Published: Leiden, 1605
Size: 295 x 495mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Repair of a marginal upper and lower center fold split.In good condition. A strong and dark impression.
The engraver Jan van Doetecum has copied this world map from the double-hemispherical one engraved by his father Baptista for..
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Location: 1645
Published: Paris, 1645
Size: 435 x 555mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Lower cut to neat line, upper margin cut to neat line and slightly into the engraved border line. Old repair along lower part center fold. Very good and dark impression.
Extremely rare and decorative world map published by Anthoine de Fer. The double hemisphere world map is surrounded by conste..
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Location: 1646
Published: Frankfurt 1646
Size: 257 x 354mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Paper slightly age-toned and slightly spotted. Generally in good condition.
A reduced version of Blaeu's world map lacking the decorative borders. The engraving is neatly executed, with Germanic touche..
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PITT, M. / SWART, S. / JANSSONIUS VAN WAESBERGHE, J. -  Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula
Location: 1680
Published: Oxford, 1680
Size: 395 x 530mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Some remains of old fraying and minor browning to centerfold. Good condition overall. Wide margins.
A beautifully decorative world map taken from the 'English Atlas' by Moses Pitt and Steven Swart, based on an earlier engrave..
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Location: 1680
Published: Amsterdam, 1680
Size: 479 x 597mm.
Color: In attractive original colours.
Condition: Repair of centerfold. Paper slightly age-toned. centerfold underlaid, mainly for protective reason. Mapsize 479 x 570mm.
According to Shirley, De Wit's map is one of the most attractive of its time. The brilliant scenes in the corners combine ima..
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Location: 1690
Published: Paris, 1690
Size: 458 x 600mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Some rimpling along centerfold and on the left part of the map. Repair of split and tear lower part centerfold 9cm and 3cm respectively into the engraved area. Localised paper thinness. <br />Good condition.
Coronelli, Vincenzo M. / De Tillemont. c.1690. Le Globe Terrestre Represente en Devx Plans Hemispheres, Et en Diverses Avtres..
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ZURNER, A.F./ SCHENK, P. -  Planisphaerium Terrestre cum Utroque Coelesti Hemisphaerio, sive Diversa Orbis Terraquei... / Vlakke Aard-Kloot met het Beide Hemelsch Half-Rond, of de Onderscheidene Verbeelding van de Land-Water-Waereld…
Location: 1700
Size: 508 x 582mm.
Color: Original colors
Condition: Paper enforcement on verso. A sharp impression with full contemporary color on a bright sheet
Interesting and detailed world map, cartographically up-to-date and showing the routes of explorers, including Magellan, Damp..
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Location: 1704
Published: Venice 1704
Size: 380 x 537mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: A fine copy. Contemporarily laid down on a large sheet of paper.
Nicolas Sanson's map of the ancient world, engraved by Jean Somer Pruthenus was issued separately in 1657 before being incorp..
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Location: 1705
Published: Nuremberg, 1705
Size: 483 x 572mm.
Color: In attactive original colours.
Condition: In good condition.
The world centred around the North Pole is depicted on the dial of a beautiful full size mantle-piece clock with California a..
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Location: 1705
Published: Paris, 1705
Size: 226 x 338mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: Wide margins. Good and dark impression.
Uncommon world map in Mercator's projection, which first appeared in De Fer's Atlas Curieux.Showing California as an island. ..
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Location: 1710
Published: Kyoto, "Hoei 7" (= Year of the Tiger = 1710
Size: 1145 x 1415mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Strong impression, printed on several sheets of native paper, joined. Some worming, and pin holes on old crossing of foldings. Folded as usual and mounted on 2 blue cardboards with title-piece. (size 240x180mm), in modern linen case.
This map is a great example for Japanese world maps representing Buddhist cosmology with real world cartography. It is the ea..
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Location: 1711
Published: Amsterdam, 1711
Size: 550 x 550mm.
Color: Colored
Condition: A very rare 18 inch (46cm.) diameter celestial globe in very good condition. made up of two sets of twelve finely engraved and hand-colored gores and two polar calottes (70°) laid to the ecliptic poles of a papier-maché and plaster sphere, the axis through the celestial poles, the equatorial graduated in individual degrees and labelled every 10°, the ecliptic graduated in individual days of the houses of the Zodiac, with sigils and labelled every ten days.
RARE FIRST STATE OF THIS CELESTIAL TABLE GLOBE, 46 cm in diameter, produced by Gerard and Leonard Valk at the beginning of th..
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Location: 1720
Published: Paris, Crépy, 1720
Size: 950 x 1250mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: 4 sheets when joined 950 x 1250 mm. Orig. outlines col. Very good and dark inpresssion.
French wall map of the world in 4 sheets published by Crépy "à l'entrée du Cloistre de St. Benoist du côté des maturins". A d..
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Location: 1740
Published: Nuremberg, 1740
Size: 485 x 577mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: In very good condition. With later colour addition.
Baroque period world map in double hemispheres showing the shapes of land masses exactly calculated from astronomical observa..
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Location: 1755
Published: Italy, ca. 1755
Size: 175 x 195mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Wood block print. Good condition. Size of paper 175 x 195mm.
Double hemisphere world map with a broad banner carrying the title. In the ocean are currents shown and in top and bottom are..
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Location: 1758
Published: Nuremberg, 1758
Size: 250 x 290mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Repair of lower part centerfold hardly affecting the engraved area. A good and dark impression.
Decorative world map showing California as an island after the second Sanson model. The figures in each corner symbolise the ..
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Location: 1759
Published: Kopenhagen, 1759
Size: 163 x 244mm.
Color: In original colours.
Condition: Paper slightly age-toned. In good condition.
Rare double hemisphere world map printed in Copenhagen. Title and many names in Danish, from " Fra Holbergs Geographie". In ..
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Location: 1774
Published: Venice, 1774
Size: 290 x 420mm.
Color: In original colours.
Condition: Two very small worm holes (lower center part) filled in. Very good condition.
Attractive Italian map presented on Mercator's projection and featuring the voyages of Cook and Bougainville. Greenland is sh..
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Location: 1784
Published: Venice, 1776 - 1784
Size: 460 x 648mm.
Color: Original o/l colour.
Condition: Printed on heavy paper with large margins. Good impression. Very good condition.
Double hemisphere world map, from an unusual perspective. Paris is located at the centre of the hemisphere, so that Europe, A..
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Location: 1786
Published: Paris, Robert de Vaugondy/Delamarche, 1786
Size: 985 x 1150mm.
Color: Original outline colors.
Condition: Large map dissected in 20 sheets and mounted on linen. Slightly water staining.
Large world map showing the sea tracks of Captain Cook in his three Pacific voyages published by C. F. Delamarche.Rare state ..
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Location: 1789
Published: Paris, 1789
Size: 520 x 760mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Short margins with some usual age toning.
Dated 1761, this state is unknown. "Desnos' includes a fine combination of up to date cartographic information and the routes..
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Location: 1803
Published: Augsbourg, 1803
Size: 455 x 615mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Very minor discolouration along extra horizontal fold.
Uncommon and detailed world map in double hemisphere. In upper corners insets of North- and South Pole projections. Detailed ..
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