WIT, F. de - Nova Orbis Tabula in Lucem edita A.F.de Wit.

WIT, F. de - Nova Orbis Tabula in Lucem edita A.F.de Wit.
Published: Amsterdam, 1680
Size: 479 x 597mm.
Color: In attractive original colours.
Condition: Repair of centerfold. Paper slightly age-toned. centerfold underlaid, mainly for protective reason. Mapsize 479 x 570mm.
According to Shirley, De Wit's map is one of the most attractive of its time. The brilliant scenes in the corners combine images of the four seasons, the elements and the signs of the zodiac in a well-balanced and natural way.
A second state, initially the map lacked an outer border, and the cusps were blank. In state 2 cherubs were placed in the cusps and a border added. On either side of the map are tables listing the Cities, keyed to the map. Lower right hand corner "t' Amsterdam, By Frederick de Wit, Met Privilegie."
A second state, initially the map lacked an outer border, and the cusps were blank. In state 2 cherubs were placed in the cusps and a border added. On either side of the map are tables listing the Cities, keyed to the map. Lower right hand corner "t' Amsterdam, By Frederick de Wit, Met Privilegie."
- See other items by this publisher: WIT, F. de
- Reference N°: 04912
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