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WALDSEEMÜLLER, M. - Quinta Asie Tabvla.

WALDSEEMÜLLER, M. -  Quinta Asie Tabvla.
WALDSEEMÜLLER, M. - Quinta Asie Tabvla.
Published: Strasbourg, J. Schott, 1513
Size: 365 x 535mm.
Color: In attactive original colours.
Condition: Carte gravée sur bois. Magnifique exemplaire en coloris d'époque. - Repair of a small tear in upper tight hand margin, for the rest in mint condition.


Fine old color example of Martin Waldseemuller's important early map of Persia, Armenia and the region between the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf.

From 1507 to 1513, Waldseemuller worked with his friend Mathias Ringman (1482-1522) on the new Latin edition of Ptolemy's Geographia, under the patronage of René II Duke of Lorraine. While Ringmann corrected the texts of Ptolemy's edition, Waldseemüller took care of the corresponding maps and supplemented them with 20 modern maps.

This work can be considered the first modern atlas.

  • Reference N°: 62136

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