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VON SIEBOLD, P. Fr. B. - Nippon archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan.

VON SIEBOLD, P. Fr. B. -  Nippon archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan.
VON SIEBOLD, P. Fr. B. - Nippon archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan.
Published: Leipzig, 1897
Size: 270 x 190 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: 4to. Two volumes bound in one. Second edition. Würzburg und Leipzig Verlag der K.U.K. Hofbuchhandlung von Leo Woerl, frontisp. and a map of Japan. XXXV 421p vii 342p.


The book has been re-bound early this century in full leather binding. Plates covered with snake-skin imitation leather. Edges covered with red ink. The book is preserved in a fine box covered with marbled paper on the outside and on the inside with decorated paper. The box was also made early this century.
  • Reference N°: 01725

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