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VANBAERE, H. - Sint Niklaas en het Waasland Gerardus Mercator Museum.

VANBAERE, H. -  Sint Niklaas en het Waasland Gerardus Mercator Museum.
VANBAERE, H. - Sint Niklaas en het Waasland Gerardus Mercator Museum.
Published: Brussels, 1951
Size: 100 x 620 mm.
Color: In printed colours.
Condition: Chromo lithography. Some minor wrinckling in outer margin. General very good.


Poster showing a portrait of Gerard Mercator, set behind a globe and the town hall of St. Niklaas. Showing a map of the region containing pictorial vignets of Overmere, Kemseke, Beveren, Doel, Basel, Temse and Bornem.Herman Verbaere (Wetteren 1906 - Zottegem 1993) was an Belgian poster artist also known for his water colours.

The Mercator Museum offers a chronological story of cartography, from antiquity to today. Within this story the figure and the work of Gerard De Cremer (Rupelmonde 1512 - Duisburg 1594) - alias Gerard Mercator - are put in the spotlight.
The rare earth globe (1541) and celestial globe (1551), recently included in the Flemish masterpieces list, remain the eye-catchers of the museum.

  • Reference N°: 43639

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