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TIRION, I. - Nieuwe kaart van Tartarie.

TIRION, I. -  Nieuwe kaart van Tartarie.
TIRION, I. - Nieuwe kaart van Tartarie.
Published: Amsterdam, 1750
Size: 280 x 343mm.
Color: Original colours.
Condition: In very attractive original colours. Wide margins.


A map of Tartary, Korea and part of Japan. The map is most notable for the confusion between Kamchatka and Iesso.
There are very good details of towns and trade routes in modern-day Uzbekistan. The region here is labeled as "Tartarie Independent, "Usbeks," and "Gand Bukarie." The important cities of the Silk Road are mentioned Bokara (Bukhara), Samarcand (Samarkand), Tashkunt (Tashkent), etc.
Modern-day Kyrgyzstan is labeled "Petite Bukarie."

Hokkaido labelled Compagnie Land.  Reflecting the recent discoveries in Kamchatka by Witsen with the icy cape Kaap Suetoinos, which was believed to render it impossible to sail round the north-eastern tip of Asia.

From: Nieuwe en Beknopte Hand-Atlas, bestaande in eene Verzameling van eenige der algemeenste en nodigste Landkaarten.. Engraved by J.Keiser.
  • See other items by this publisher: TIRION, I.
  • Reference N°: 35731

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