SEUTTER, M. - Africa juxta navigationes et observat recentissimas. . .

SEUTTER, M. - Africa juxta navigationes et observat recentissimas. . .
Published: Augsburg, J.M.Will, 1778
Size: 195 x 257mm.
Color: Original colours.
Condition: Paper slightly age-toned, and with mainly marginal spotting. Good impression.
Miniature map of Africa, a reduction of the Seutter folio map based on Homann's cartography of 1715. Very detailed - much of it fictitious. The Nile is shown not only originating in twin lakes, but also continuing further south nearly to the tip of the continent. A lake joins the Senegal and Niger rivers. The large, cartouche is beautifully engraved and surrounded by natives and exotic animals including a large winged dragon.
From Atlas Minor, here published by Johann Martin Will, with his address in bottom center of the map.
The cartouche is left uncolored in order to emphasize the elaborately detailed illustrations for which German maps are especially prized.
From Atlas Minor, here published by Johann Martin Will, with his address in bottom center of the map.
The cartouche is left uncolored in order to emphasize the elaborately detailed illustrations for which German maps are especially prized.
- See other items by this publisher: SEUTTER, M.
- Reference N°: 25478
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