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SCHENK, P. / VALK, G. - Arabiae Felicis, petrae et desertae.

SCHENK, P. / VALK, G. - Arabiae Felicis, petrae et desertae.
SCHENK, P. / VALK, G. - Arabiae Felicis, petrae et desertae.
Published: Amsterdam, 1720
Size: 430 x 505
Color: In original colours.
Condition: In fine condition, light water stains and marks etc, some minor restoration to centerfold and edge tears. Good impression, decent margins.


A very striking map with a finely decorated title cartouche, published by Valk & Schenk, utilizing Jansson's original plate. Interestingly, this map uses the names the "Mare Elcatif or Sinus Persicus," both the Persian and Arab names for the Gulf between Persia and Saudi Arabia.
Includes 2 decorative cartouches in the opposite corners of the map, featuring lions, camels, elephants, sea monsters and sailing ships. Perhaps one of the most decorative of all 17th century large format maps of Saudi Arabia.

During the 16th century, the Ottomans added the Red Sea and Persian Gulf Coast to their empire and claimed sovereignty over the interior. Their principle objective was to thwart Portuguese attempts to attack the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. The Ottoman Turks conquered the area around Basra and invaded the Arabian Coast as far as Qatif, which they occupied, removing the Portuguese from the region. The Turks adopted the names Gulf of Basrah, Gulf of Qatif and Gulf of Arabia.

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