SANSON, N. - Description de l'Empire du Sophi des Perses tiree en partie de l'Arabe de Nubie, et en partie de plusieurs et diverses Relations.
SANSON, N. - Description de l'Empire du Sophi des Perses tiree en partie de l'Arabe de Nubie, et en partie de plusieurs et diverses Relations.
Published: Paris, 1650
Size: 390 x 522mm.
Color: Original o/l colours
Condition: Paper slightly age-toned. A good and dark impression.
The map of the Empire of Persia is shown to extend from Baghdad almost to the present-day borders of India. Including part of Saudi Arabia and Oman. Including "Golfe de Balsera et Mer del Cattif autre f. Golfe de Perse".
In the upper right corner, the river Oxus with USBECK OU ZAGATHAY, among towns along the Silk Road as Bochara, etc.
In the upper right corner, the river Oxus with USBECK OU ZAGATHAY, among towns along the Silk Road as Bochara, etc.
- See other items by this publisher: SANSON, N.
- Reference N°: 60884
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