ROSSI, G.G. - Descritione delli principati della Moldavia e Valachia / tolta da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola.

ROSSI, G.G. - Descritione delli principati della Moldavia e Valachia / tolta da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola.
Published: Rome, 1686
Size: 418 x 540mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: Good and dark impression.
Scarce map of the region between the confluence of the Danube, Nistru and Dnieper Rivers along the Black Sea - present-day Ukraine and Romania. Excellent detail throughout.
Large and decorative title and dedication cartouches.
The engraver was Francesco Donia. ¤
Large and decorative title and dedication cartouches.
The engraver was Francesco Donia. ¤
- Reference N°: 32061
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