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PROBST, G.B. - Vue de L'Hotel de Batavie..

PROBST, G.B. -  Vue de L'Hotel de Batavie..
PROBST, G.B. - Vue de L'Hotel de Batavie..
Published: Augsbourg, 1750
Size: 268 x 398mm.
Color: Original colours.
Condition: Lower margin cut off, lower line and name of the publisher lost.


A so-called optical print of Fatahillah Square in Jakarta, Indonesia, prepared for use in a light-box or an amusing light-show. This richly hand coloured print is much perforated, windows are cut out, and then a thin transparent paper is mounted at the back and tipped with colour over the perforations. A view of present-day Fatahillah Square in Jakarta. The "Raadhuis"- headquarters of the V.O.C.- nowadays the Jakarta museum - is clearly visible in the centre of this print. Rare.
  • Reference N°: 03651

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