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PITT, M. / SWART, S. / JANSSONIUS VAN WAESBERGHE, J. - Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula

PITT, M. / SWART, S. / JANSSONIUS VAN WAESBERGHE, J. -  Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula
PITT, M. / SWART, S. / JANSSONIUS VAN WAESBERGHE, J. - Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula
Published: Oxford, 1680
Size: 395 x 530mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Some remains of old fraying and minor browning to centerfold. Good condition overall. Wide margins.


A beautifully decorative world map taken from the 'English Atlas' by Moses Pitt and Steven Swart, based on an earlier engraved world map by Pieter van den Keere ca. 1630, which was itself based on Blaeu's earlier map of 1606. The title cartouche bears the coat of arms of the Bishop of Oxford, Edward Wells' patron. The map is dedicated to Johannes Janssonius Van Waesbergen, an established bookseller in Amsterdam. He acquired, by inheritance, from his father-in-law Jan Jansson many of Jansson's plates including those of the Atlas Minor, the Civitates Orbis Terrarum and the Atlas of the Antique World.

These works were republished by him, or after his death in 1681 by his son, also named Johannes. For a time he was associated with Moses Pitt in the abortive attempt in 1680-81 to publish an English version of the major atlases by Blaeu and Jansson. Pitt originally wished to publish a 12 volume "English Atlas' of the world, however, financial woes set in , and only 4 volumes were ever produced. As a result, Pitt was declared bankrupt, and was sent to a debtors prison from 1689 until1691. He died in 1697.

The map has many decorative features; including the four elements, the four seasons, the seven wonders of the world and the seven planets of the solar system. ¤
  • Reference N°: 39383

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