Location: 1493
Published: Nuremberg, 12 Juillet 1493
Size: 360 x 230 mm.
Color: In attactive colours.
Condition: Wood cut. Some marginal minor age-toning on the outer left hand margin. Size of illustration 229 x 197mm.
Imaginary view of Paris and on verso Munich : however the earliest obtainable views of this period.In the forground a large v..
Location: 1552
Published: Bâle, H. Petri, 1552
Size: 252 x 357mm.
Color: Noir et blanc
Condition: Gravure sur bois. Présenté dans un cade doré. Bel exemplaire.
Figure dans l'édition française de la "Cosmographie Universelle" de S. Münster. En haut, à gauche, un cartouche orné comprend..
Location: 1575
Published: Paris, 1575
Size: 410 x 545mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Gravure sur bois. Petites taches brunes en haut de la planche, traces de plis, marges finement doublées en bordure (sur 3 mm). Bel exemplaire sur papier fort.
Plan en élévation gravé sur bois. Figure dans François de Belleforest, "La Cosmographie Universelle du Monde". En partie d'ap..
Location: 1575
Published: Paris, 1575
Size: 410 x 545mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Gravure sur bois. Pâle mouillure en haut, affectant légèrement le titre extérieur et à droite du pli médian. Traces de pliures d'origine. Présenté dans un cadre doré. Non examiné hors du cadre.
Plan en élévation, le nord à gauche. Figure dans François de Belleforest, "La Cosmographie universelle de tout le monde". En ..
Location: 1578
Published: Bâle, H. Petri, 1578
Size: 260 x 325mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Water staining and spotting. Browned paper. Missing paper along the centerfold. Few wormhole.
Published in the "Universal Cosmography" of S. Münster. Text in German. Under the legendary plan in German A to G. It is fram..
Location: 1580
Published: Basle, 1550-1580
Size: 250 x 350mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Double page woodblock print with letter press.
Early bird's eye view of Paris, called at the time Lutetia. From a French text edition of S. Münster's Cosmographia, which i..
Location: 1590
Published: Cologne, ca. 1590
Size: 210 x 257 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Paper slightly age toned, dark impression. Very good condition.
Early print showing the capture of Barnabé Brisson in Paris, who was hanged on 15 November by the Spanish.&..
Location: 1594
Published: France ca.. 1594
Size: 320 x 385mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Gravure sur bois signée /. S accompagnée d'une légende en latin et en allemand. Pliure médiane verticale et quelques pliures horizontales. Restauration en haut du pli central affectant légèrement le titre avec petit manque de papier comblé. Infime restauration en bas à gauche. Infimes fentes le long du pli central.
Rarissime placard dirigé contre la Ligue et le duc de Mayenne. La gravure est signée I.S. (marque inconnue). Ce placard en la..
Location: 1600
Published: Sienne, ca. 1600
Size: 402 x 498mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Right hand margin cut off, 8mm into engraved area, carefully re-inforced and re-drawn. Folds re-inforced for protective reason. Some discolouration along left.
Rare plan of Paris published by Matteo Florimi, publisher active in Siena. Several of his maps are found in the "Lafreri" atl..
Location: 1642
Published: Rome, ca. 1642
Size: 160 x 240 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Good margins, good and dark impression. In mint condition. Text in manuscript underneath the print.
Extremely rare and detailed bird's-eye view of the town of Paris by Giacomo Lauro (active about 1584-1637), taken from "Hero..
Location: 1642
Published: Rome, ca. 1642
Size: 160 x 240 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Good margins, good and dark impression. In mint condition.
Extremely rare and detailed bird's-eye view of the town of Paris by
Giacomo Lauro (active about 1584-1637), taken from "He..
Location: 1650
Published: Francfort, ca. 1650
Size: 200 x 300 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Good and dark impression. Left margin cut close. Two vertical folds hardly visible.
Rare view of Paris engraved by M. Merian. Published in a horse riding book. The view of Paris is represented in the backgroun..
Location: 1655
Published: Francfort/Main, 1655
Size: 200 x 340mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Papier légèrement jauni.
A view of a Parissian arsenal. Very well engraved with excellent detail. Decorated with a port scene.From Merian's Topographi..
Location: 1655
Published: Frankfurt, 1655
Size: 172 x 257mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Belle impression. Bonnes marges.
A bird's-eye view of the portal of the noviciate of "Jésuites "of Saint Germain des Prés in Paris .From Merian's Topographia..
Location: 1655
Published: Francfort/Main, 1655
Size: 125 x 160mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Papier légèrement jauni.
Two views printed on two separate plates of Notre-Dame and the pont St. Michel Bridge seen from the left bank of the Seine Ri..
Location: 1655
Published: Francfort/Main, 1655
Size: 170 x 250mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Papier légèrement jauni.
A view of a wing of the Louvre.Very well engraved with excellent detail.Between 1655 and 1658, Anne of Austria, the queen mo..
Location: 1655
Published: Frankfurt, 1655
Size: 173 x 282mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Belle impression. Bonnes marges.
A bird's-eye view of the convent des Feuillans in Paris. From Merian's Topographia Galliae ...
Location: 1655
Published: Frankfurt, 1655
Size: 179 x 284mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Belle impression. Bonnes marges.
A bird's-eye view of the Church St. Germain in Paris. From Merian's Topographia Galliae ...
Location: 1655
Published: Frankfurt, 1655
Size: 175 x 280mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Bel exemplaire.
A bird's-eye view of the Church St. Gervais in Paris. From Merian's Topographia Galliae ...
Location: 1655
Published: Frankfurt, 1655
Size: 260 x 168mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Impression légèrement éstompée en haut de la première vue. Infimes taches en marge.
A bird's-eye view of the abbey and priory of St. Germain des Prés in Paris. From Merian's Topographia Galliae..
Location: 1655
Published: Frankfurt, 1655
Size: 170 x 256mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Belle impression. Bonnes marges.
A bird's-eye view of the Louvre in Paris . From Merian's Topographia Galliae ...
Location: 1658
Published: Paris, entre 1651 et 1658
Size: 363 x 510mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Pâle mouillure en marge inf. Bel exemplaire.
Le plan ne représente que la Seine et les fortifications de la rive droite. Légende de A à Q. A la suite des inondations de j..
Location: 1670
Published: Paris, 1670
Size: 530 x 750 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Marge supérieure coupée au-dessus du filet d’encadrement. 2 trous de ver dans les angles des marges inférieures.
SYLVESTRE, I. - Comparse des Cinq Quadrilles dans l'Amphitheatre. - 36511 - Paris - SYLVESTRE, I. - Comparse des Cinq Quadri..
Location: 1670
Published: Paris, 1670
Size: 520 x 740 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Marge supérieure coupée à l'intérieur du filet d’encadrement. 2 trous de ver dans les angles des marges inférieures.
Planche de la série « Courses de Testes et de Bagues Faittes par le Roy
et par Les Princes et Seigneurs de sa cour En l'ann..