ORTELIUS, A. - Culiacanae Americae regionis.. / Hispaniolae, Cubae..

ORTELIUS, A. - Culiacanae Americae regionis.. / Hispaniolae, Cubae..
Published: Antwerp, 1598
Size: 357 x 498 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: French text on the verso. Wide margins and a strong and dark impression. In fine condition.
Two separate virtually identically sized inset maps on one sheet, each with a decorative scroll title cartouche. Culiacanae depicts the coastal and inland western region in North central Mexico, the present state of Sinaloa. Just off shore is a rather long, thin island which has been suggested, without much acceptance, if any, as the first or very early depiction of California as an island. The other inset shows much if not most of the West Indies and the Bahamas, one of the earliest maps to do so.
- See other items by this publisher: ORTELIUS, A.
- Reference N°: 40935
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