ORLANDI, J. - La Gra. Citta di Milano.

ORLANDI, J. - La Gra. Citta di Milano.
Published: Rome, 1602
Size: 405 x 543mm.
Color: Uncolored
Condition: Upper and left margins cut on neat line, lower part cut 1,5cm into engraved area, lower left corner cut, paper reinforced and missing areas re-drawn. Else in good condition.
Extremely rare city map of Milan. The plan showing the city within the city walls, with the surrounding countryside, title and dedicatory verse set in elaborate strapwork cartouches, principal buildings and squares denoted by numbers. Numbered key (1-86) and address of publisher in bottom.
One of the earliest printed views of Milan. Originally printed by Lafreri (first sate), this is the fourth and last state with the address of Joannes Orlandini.
One of the earliest printed views of Milan. Originally printed by Lafreri (first sate), this is the fourth and last state with the address of Joannes Orlandini.
- Reference N°: 46657
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