OLEARIUS, A. / ROTHGIESSER, C. - Die Stadt Narva

OLEARIUS, A. / ROTHGIESSER, C. - Die Stadt Narva
Published: Hamburg, 1696
Size: 292 x 343mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Copper engraving (237x343mm.) and letter press.
An early town-view of the town of Narva, located at the eastern tip of Estonia, on the Russian border.
From the uncommon Hamburg edition "Viel Vermehrte Moscowitische und Persianische Reisebeschreibung" by Adam Olearius.
Underneath the copper engraving we find an interesting description of the scene printed in letter press.
The engraving was done by Christian Rothgiesser after a design of J. Stahl.
Adam Olearius was a seventeenth-century German scholar, employed as secretary to an embassy sent by the small German state of Holstein to explore an overland trade route with Persia. The first embassy was dispatched to Russia in 1633-34 to secure the tsar's permission to travel and ship through his realm.
The second was sent in 1635 to complete the deal with the king (shah) of Persia. Although the commercial mission failed miserably, the embassy was successful in the incredible amount of information gathered by Olearius.
After returning to Holstein in 1639, Olearius continued in the Duke's service and published the first edition of his travels in 1647.
In 1656 he released a second, enlarged edition which became very popular throughout Europe and within a few years was translated into Dutch, French, Italian and English.
From the uncommon Hamburg edition "Viel Vermehrte Moscowitische und Persianische Reisebeschreibung" by Adam Olearius.
Underneath the copper engraving we find an interesting description of the scene printed in letter press.
The engraving was done by Christian Rothgiesser after a design of J. Stahl.
Adam Olearius was a seventeenth-century German scholar, employed as secretary to an embassy sent by the small German state of Holstein to explore an overland trade route with Persia. The first embassy was dispatched to Russia in 1633-34 to secure the tsar's permission to travel and ship through his realm.
The second was sent in 1635 to complete the deal with the king (shah) of Persia. Although the commercial mission failed miserably, the embassy was successful in the incredible amount of information gathered by Olearius.
After returning to Holstein in 1639, Olearius continued in the Duke's service and published the first edition of his travels in 1647.
In 1656 he released a second, enlarged edition which became very popular throughout Europe and within a few years was translated into Dutch, French, Italian and English.
- See other items by this publisher: OLEARIUS, A. / ROTHGIESSER, C.
- Reference N°: 34063
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