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MÜNSTER, S. - Tabula Asiae VII.

MÜNSTER, S. -  Tabula Asiae VII.
MÜNSTER, S. - Tabula Asiae VII.
Published: Basle, 1542
Size: 270 x 345mm.
Color: Uncolored
Condition: Wood block print with letter press. Good impression.


Attractive woodblock map, depicting the Caspian Sea, Black Sea and the Persian Gulf, extending to the Imaus Mountains, according to Ptolemy. In the center of the map is modern-day Uzbekistan, with a prominent Rover Ox and the towns of Bactra (Bakhara) and the region is labeled SOGDIANA. Sogdiana is the name of a historical area on the territory of present-day Uzbekistan located in the basin of the Zerafshan and Kashkadarya rivers. Skhowing the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf, extending to the Imaus Mountains.Uzbek. The mountain ranges are depicted in the manner of the early Ptolemaic fashion, together with the wavy lines depicting the sea.
It is a typical woodcut illustration that makes these Münster maps fascinating and sought after by map collectors.
  • See other items by this publisher: MÜNSTER, S.
  • Reference N°: 49100

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