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MÜNSTER, S. - Die Statt Paris etlicher mass figuriert und contrafehtet nach jetziger Gelegenheit.

MÜNSTER, S. - Die Statt Paris etlicher mass figuriert und contrafehtet nach jetziger Gelegenheit.
MÜNSTER, S. - Die Statt Paris etlicher mass figuriert und contrafehtet nach jetziger Gelegenheit.
Published: Bâle, H. Petri, 1578
Size: 260 x 325mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Water staining and spotting. Browned paper. Missing paper along the centerfold. Few wormhole.


Published in the "Universal Cosmography" of S. Münster. Text in German. Under the legendary plan in German A to G. It is framed by a border composed of foliage and grimacing figures. Adorned with the Arms of France and Paris. It replaces the plan of Hans Rudolf Deutsch.
  • See other items by this publisher: MÜNSTER, S.
  • Reference N°: 42000

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