MICHELOT, H. / BREMOND, L. - Nouvelle Carte de la Baye de Cadis et du Detroit de Gibraltar, dediee a Monseigneur, Le Chevalier d'Orleans, General des Galeres de France. Par ses tres humbles serviteurs
MICHELOT, H. / BREMOND, L. - Nouvelle Carte de la Baye de Cadis et du Detroit de Gibraltar, dediee a Monseigneur, Le Chevalier d'Orleans, General des Galeres de France. Par ses tres humbles serviteurs
Published: Marseille, 1715-1726
Size: 470 x 690mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Staining. A few small worm tracing in lower part chart. A dark impression.
The chart covers Cadiz and the Strait of Gibraltar. Includes San Lucar de Barameda, Rota, Cape Trafalgar, Ceuta, Tangiers, Tarife (Tarifa) Gibraltar, Puerto Santa Maria and the hills of Medina Sidonia. The chart has a large cartouche, and is adorned with mermaids, anchors and canons, flags. Large compass roses and ruhmb lines. The fortifications and topography of the coasts are shown.
- See other items by this publisher: MICHELOT, H. / BREMOND, L.
- Reference N°: 34108
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