JYLBERT - St. Pierre et Miquelon.

In the lower left corner, "Imprimé en France" with a monogram of the publisher "BD".
The map carries the printed signature of the French illustrator, who is only known by his pseudonym, "Jylbert."
It is decorative and unusually vivid, especially for an item published during the Second World War.
Saint-Pierre was a site for settlement by the French in the early 17th century, later abandoned under the Treaty of Utrecht, and returned to France in 1763 at the end of the Seven Years War.
The islands also became a place of refuge for Acadian deportees from Nova Scotia. Saint-Pierre figures frequently in North American British-French relations. It was depopulated and repopulated frequently and now remains the last vestige of Imperial France within North America.
- See other items by this publisher: JYLBERT
- Reference N°: 43675
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