JYLBERT. - Languedoc - Foix Roussillon.
JYLBERT. - Languedoc - Foix Roussillon.
Published: France, 1943
Size: 345 x 242mm.
Color: In printed colours
Condition: Lithographie imprimée en couleurs au pochoir. - Colour lithography with pochoir (stencil) print in vivid colours.
Carte très décorative de la région Languedoc-Foix-Roussillon ornée d'édifices remarquables, d'autochtones, d'un bateau et au-dessus du titre de personnages en costume local. La carte, publiée en France pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. Porte la signature imprimée de l'illustrateur français connu uniquement par son pseudonyme "Jylbert". Dans l'angle inférieur gauche est inscrit "Imprimé en France 1943" avec le monogramme de l'éditeur "BD" (Barré Maurice et Dayez Jules). Cette maison fut fondée en 1925 par Maurice Barré et Jules Dayez, sa spécialité était les travaux d'impression couleurs de toutes natures.
- Very decorative, informative map of Languedoc - Foix Roussillon region in south eastern France. Including the towns of Carcassonne, Montpellier,, Albi, Toulouse, etc.
The map is filled with buildings, animals, a ship, figures and two locals in their typical dress. With a large compass rose in lower left corner.
In lower left corner "Imprimé en France" with a monogram of the publisher "BD".
The map carries a printed signature of the french illustrator who is only know by his pseudonym "Jylbert".
Decorative and Unusually vivid for a item published during the second world war.
- Very decorative, informative map of Languedoc - Foix Roussillon region in south eastern France. Including the towns of Carcassonne, Montpellier,, Albi, Toulouse, etc.
The map is filled with buildings, animals, a ship, figures and two locals in their typical dress. With a large compass rose in lower left corner.
In lower left corner "Imprimé en France" with a monogram of the publisher "BD".
The map carries a printed signature of the french illustrator who is only know by his pseudonym "Jylbert".
Decorative and Unusually vivid for a item published during the second world war.
- See other items by this publisher: JYLBERT.
- Reference N°: 28772
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