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Béatrice Loeb is for more than 30 years an expert for maps and atlases to be sold at auctions held by leading auction houses as Binoche & Giquello, PIASA, Ader Nordmann, Daguerre, Rossini, Nouvelle Etude, Kahn-Dumousset, Libert at Drouot.

Member of SFEP (Syndicat Français des Experts Professionnels en Oeuvres d'Art et Objets de Collection). Founded in 1945, the SFEP is the oldest organization representing professional appraisers in fine art and antiquities in France.
Our auction catalog descriptions are made in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the SFEP.

We provide a free appraisal if you are considering selling one of your maps, atlases, books. Such auction estimates are not for valuation purposes and are subject to revision on inspection of the object.

We Buy
We buy antiquarian books in our areas of specialization: Atlases, old maps, travel books and illustrated books.
If you want to sell books and maps, we are happy to make a free estimation. To do this, please send us some pictures by e-mail. We can also accommodate you by appointment and will be able to make an offer to purchase after physical examination of the object.
Here are some examples of books, atlases and maps we are eager to buy.
JOLLAIN - Trésor des cartes géographiques des principaux états de l'univers. Chez l'Auteur, sans date (1667) 38 cartes gravées sur double pages.
THEVENOT, M. : Relations de divers voyages curieux... Langlois, 1664. In-folio, illustré de 8 cartes dépliantes et de 6 planches dont 3 dépliantes.
PTOLEMAEUS - SERVET (Publié par Michel). CLAUDII PTOLEMAEI ALEXANDRINI GEOGRAPHICAE... Lyon, Hugues de la Porte [Vienne (France), G. Treschel], 1541.
BLAEU, Joan - Le Grand Atlas, ou Cosmographie Blaviane, en laquelle est exactement descritte la Terre, la Mer et le Ciel. Amsterdam, Joan Blaeu, 1667. 12 vols., atlas folio
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Librairie Loeb-Larocque
Béatrice Loeb (expert)
31 rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris, France
by appointment only
Tel.:  +33 (0)1 84 88 45 86 / +33 (0)1
cell +33 (0)
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