IMP FRANCAISES REUNIES - Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes. Paquebots Poste Français, Australie, Océan Indien, Indo-Chine, Méditérannée, Brésil & Plata. (Annam boat)

IMP FRANCAISES REUNIES - Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes. Paquebots Poste Français, Australie, Océan Indien, Indo-Chine, Méditérannée, Brésil & Plata. (Annam boat)
Published: Paris, ca. 1893
Size: 610 x 450 mm.
Color: In original lithographed colours.
Condition: Lithographed poster, linen backed, a marginal restored tear in the lower left corner and another one at the top affecting a little bit the subject. Else in good condition.
Original lithographed poster created by the artist Abel Brun for
Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes, showing a vessel named Annam.
Printed by Eugene Marx & Cie., Paris.
Les Messageries
Maritimes Company (MM) is a French shipping company, independent from
1851 to 1977, then merged with the Transatlantic General Company (CGT)
to form the Compagnie Générale Maritime (CGM).
By the end of the
nineteenth century, the greatest illustrators and poster artists had
used their talent to translate the power of the ships and evoke the
charm of sea travel to distant destinations.
The creativity of these artists was largely encouraged by orders from shipping companies.
- Reference N°: 45091
IMP FRANCAISES REUNIES - Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes. Paquebots Poste Français
, Australie
, Océan Indien
, Indo-Chine
, Méditérannée
, Brésil & Plata. (Annam boat)
, Posters
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