HOMANN HEIRS. - Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Maiestate, Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancce…

HOMANN HEIRS. - Potentissimo Borussorum Regi Friderico Wilhelmo Maiestate, Fortitudine Clementia Augustissimo Hancce…
Published: Nuremberg, 1735
Size: 966 x 585mm.
Color: In original colours.
Condition: Two sheet map in full original body colour, if assembled 966 x 585mm.
Large 2-sheet map of an area of Lithuania and Eastern Prussia (Russian province of Kaliningrad) stretching from Klaipeda (Memel) in the north to Goldap in the south (a town on the Polish - Russian (Kaliningrad) border, Tilsit (Sovetsk) and Gumbinnen (Gusev).
A very detailed map of the area, showing many towns, a dam, regions, woods, rivers. With a large figurative cartouche and a plan of the city of Gumbinnen.
A very detailed map of the area, showing many towns, a dam, regions, woods, rivers. With a large figurative cartouche and a plan of the city of Gumbinnen.
- See other items by this publisher: HOMANN HEIRS.
- Reference N°: 35289
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