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Expert at Auctions held in Drouot Paris and other towns

 Auctions at Drouot-Richelieu, Paris
Besides being an expert for single consigned items in auctions held at Drouot-Richelieu by Paris leading auction houses as PIASA, Ader Nordmann, Daguerre, Rossini, Kahn-Dumousset, Nouvelle Etude, Libert at Drouot, Béatrice Loeb-Larocque has been the expert in charge of the Binoche et Giquello November auction which offers fine and rare maps and views, atlases, prints and travel books for more than 27 years.

Hôtel Drouot is a large auction house in Paris, known for fine art, antiques, and antiquities. It consists of 16 halls hosting 70 independent auction firms, which operate under the umbrella grouping of Drouot.

Auctions in Nantes and Vichy
Béatrice works for auction houses outside of Paris, such as Couton Veyrac in Nantes  and Vichy Enchères in Vichy.

Past Auction Results

Heijns Atlas

Atlas - Claes

Sold for 22.000 euros

HEYNS, Zacharie.  Le Miroir du Monde, ou, Epitome du Theatre d'Abraham Ortelius. Amsterdam, Z. Heyns, 1598.   Oblong 8vo (155 x 208 mm) ; ff. (1), 16-97, (1) and 80 woodcut maps. Contemporary limp vellum binding decorated with a gilt central medallion, flat spine with gilt fleurons and fillets. Gilt edges.

The first edition, published in Amsterdam in 1598, illustrated with 80 woodcut maps. Unusual Zacharias Heyns's edition, in French, of Ortelius' "Epitome".



Sold for 22.000 euros

PLACIDO CALOIRO et OLIVA [or workshop]. [Portulan de la Méditerranée]. Messine, ca. 1621 et 1665. 71,5 x 44,5 cm. Manuscript sea chart pen and ink drawn on vellum measuring 71.5 x 44.5 cm.

Elaborately decorated in the traditional style of portulan charts. In very good condition except for two sections where the vellum is missing. On the western edge, a strip about 30 cm wide has been lost and in the southeast a small section of the corner has been torn away.
Despite these losses, the actual coverage area of the chart has not been significantly impacted.
CHAMBON -  Mappemonde


Sold for 6 100 €

CHAMBON, Gobert-Denis. Mappemonde contenant les parties connues du globe terrestre dressée suivant de nouvelles observations. Paris, Longchamps et Janvier, 1754.

Wall map printed on two sheets and surrounded by borders with biblical vignettes in six sheets, laid down on linen, and mounted at the time on two wooden poles.
Paper browned, with crease marks and tears but without loss of paper. Sold as is. 1140 x 1450 mm.

Atlas - Neptune

Sold for 13.000 euros

DÉPÔT DES CARTES ET PLANS DE LA MARINE / SARTINE. Neptune américo-septentrional contenant les cotes, iles et bancs, les baies, ports, et mouillages, et les sondes des mers de cette-partie du monde, depuis le Groenland inclusivement, jusques et compris le golfe du Mexique. Paris, Dépôt des Cartes et Plans de la Marine, [1780].

Folio. Engraved title-page, 26 engraved maps and plans of the Atlantic seaboard on 13 full sheets and 5 half sheets. Blue paper boards.

Atlas Sanson

Sold for 15.100 euros

SANSON, N. - Le Monde par Nicolas Sanson d’Abbeville, Geographe ordinaire du Roy. A Paris chez N. Langlois rue St. Jacques à la Victoire, c. 1662-1664.

Unrecorded edition by Nicolas Langlois of Nicolas Sanson’s world atlas, probably published ca. 1662-1664.

Béatrice Loeb (expert)
31 rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris, France
By appointment only
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