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Location: 1493
Published: Nuremberg, 1493
Size: 392 x 575mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Skillfully restored at the bottom corners. On the right side some paper thinness. Small area ca. 1-3 mm part on the left side ( eg.: letter "B" in the world BRITANICA and some part on the lover right corner are replaced or redrawn in a professional way. Overall nice example.
Map of Northern Europe and centered on Poland. First issue, with Latin text colophon and date on verso. The map is deemed to ..
Location: 1584
Published: Amsterdam, 1584
Size: 605 x 525 mm.
Color: In original colours with refreshments.
Condition: Dutch text on verso. Some browning, foxing. A few worm holes filled in. The Europe chart is larger than the other charts in the atlas, as often the case the lower margin is trimmed affecting part of the grade scale. Dark impression.
This general chart of north-western Europe and the surrounding coastal waters is from the rare pilot-guide De Spiegel de..
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Location: 1628
Published: Amsterdam, 1628
Size: 382 x 470mm.
Color: In original colours.
Condition: A good and strong impression. In mint condition. The cartouche is <i>highlighted with gold dots !</i>
General map of Europe, as well as Americae Pars, Greenland, Iceland, a Polar landmass, along with the mythical islands of Fri..
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Location: 1650
Published: Amsterdam, 1650
Size: 640 x 970mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Because of its dimensions the map is printed from two plates. Underlaying on folds, lower margin cut to lower neat line and contemporarily added margin.
Prepared by Petrus Bertius in 1616. Very large historical map (four sheets joined) depicting the empire of Charles the Great...
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Location: 1676
Published: London, 1627 - 1676
Size: 392 x 517mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Good impression. Repair of split next to lower part center fold, 15cm. into engraved area. Paper browned.
A good impression from an early edition of this famous and decorative cartes-a-figures from the first world atlas produced by..
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Location: 1680
Published: Paris, 1680
Size: 325 x 480mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Cut on the neat line and in lower part into longitude scale, with extended margins to fit in composite atlas. Part in upper left and right corner cut off. Dark impression.
JOLLAIN, G. - Romani Imperii Imago. - 36652 - Europe continent - JOLLAIN, G. - Romani Imperii Imago. - 36652 - Europe contin..
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Location: 1700
Published: Paris, 1700
Size: 463 x 599 mm.
Color: In attractive original colours.
Condition: In very good. Some paper thinness on old folds. Backed with very thin Japan paper for protective reason. Paper size : 1395 x 1510mm.
[NOLIN, Jean-Baptiste / Jean-Baptiste NOLIN II - L'Europe Dressée Sur les Nouvelles observations. . . - 36889 - - [NOLIN, J..
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Location: 1700
Published: Paris, 1700
Size: 462 x 590mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: Repair of center fold 28cm into engraved area. Paper slightly age-toned as usual.
An early and scarce state of "L’Europe. Chez l’Auteur sur le Quai de l’Horloge a la Couronne de Diamans, 1700".The finely eng..
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Location: 1762
Published: Paris, 1762
Size: 385 x 510mm.
Color: In original colours.
Condition: In good condition. Dark impression.
Map of ancient Roman Empire. Two distance scales.Left and right a box with geographical information for Europe.Prepared by Bu..
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Location: 1827
Published: Paris, Thiériot, 1827
Size: 150 x 100 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: 5 volumes in half marocco, spine richly gitted. Pages a very little browned, and binding a little bit rubbed, but generally in very good condition.
BRIAND, P.-C. - Les jeunes voyageurs en Europe, ou description raisonnée des divers pays compris dans cette partie du monde...
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Location: 1840
Published: Paris, 1840
Size: 595 x 740 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Good impression, printed on heavy paper. Paper slightly toned. Repair of some, mainly marginal tears along outer center fold.
Etablissement Géographique de Bruxelles - Carte physique et politique de la Turquie d'Europe et d'Asie contenant la Syrie, u..
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Location: 1850
Published: Paris, 1850
Size: 310 x 430mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: In very good condition.
While the map itself is quite simple without a great deal of detail, the surrounding engravings make this one of the most dec..
Location: 1871
Published: Paris, 1871
Size: 340 x 265mm.
Color: In original printed colours.
Condition: Original lithograph. One marginal tear just affecting a small part of in the middle left side.
Lithography showing a map of France with a caricature of General Trochu and other scenes imposed on it. Designed by the Fren..
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Location: 1878
Published: Bologne, 14 avril 1878
Size: 350 x 535mm.
Color: In original colours.
Condition: Lithography printed in colours. Italian text on verso. Centerfold restored with some parts redrawn. Outer right margin frayed. Else in good condition.
Very rare political caricature map by Grossi of the nations of Europe, published in Bologna in the supplement of the newspape..
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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 (1 Pages)
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