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DONNET and MONIN. - Département des Vosges.

DONNET and MONIN. -  Département des Vosges.
DONNET and MONIN. - Département des Vosges.
Published: Paris, M. B. Dusillon, ca. 1841
Size: 480 x 675mm.
Color: In original o/l colors.
Condition: Paper slightly age toned but generally in very good condition. The maps on strong paper. Size of the sheet 560mm x 740mm.


Detailed map of Vosges from "Atlas général de France divisée en départements par Donnet et Monin ; avec armes et vues de Chapuy gravées sur cuivre par MM. Arlus, Malo, Bénard, Traversier, &.a.

This is one of the last decorative atlasses of the 19th century.

Adorned with a vignette depicting a view of the chief town and with statistical text relating to administration, agriculture, industry, trade, historic monuments, antiques and famous men.

>Engraved on copper and steel by Arlus, Malo, Bénard, Traversier and others, views and coat of arms are designed by Chapuy.

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