DE BRY, Th. - Ailhae cidade de Goa metropolitana da Indiae..

DE BRY, Th. - Ailhae cidade de Goa metropolitana da Indiae..
Published: Frankfurt, 1613
Size: 383 x 430mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Lower margin and lower part left margins cut on neatline, as issued. On verso piece of paper pasted to back vertical tear, 12cm. Into the engraved area.
One of the earliest printed detailed plans of a European trading post in the Indies, this finely engraved and designed bird's-eye plan was published in De Bry's important collection of Minor Voyages . Finely engraved strapwork cartouches enclose the title, descriptive panels and coats of arms, ships, houses, mountains, forests and elephants working on the quayside are well detailed.
Goa was the first territorial possession of the Portuguese in Asia and it was intended as a colony rather than a fort, being granted the same civic privileges as Lisbon. The city reached its climax of prosperity from 1575 to 1625 with merchandise from all parts of the East displayed in its bazaars, pearls, porcelain, silk, drugs, spices, etc. In the main street slaves were sold, the houses of the rich surrounded by gardens and palm groves.
A fascinating and uncommon item.
Goa was the first territorial possession of the Portuguese in Asia and it was intended as a colony rather than a fort, being granted the same civic privileges as Lisbon. The city reached its climax of prosperity from 1575 to 1625 with merchandise from all parts of the East displayed in its bazaars, pearls, porcelain, silk, drugs, spices, etc. In the main street slaves were sold, the houses of the rich surrounded by gardens and palm groves.
A fascinating and uncommon item.
- See other items by this publisher: DE BRY, Th.
- Reference N°: 32164
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