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DAUMONT. - 26e Vüe d'Optique Representant L'Abbaye de Westminster et de l'Eglise Ste. Marguerite à Londres.

DAUMONT. -  26e Vüe d'Optique Representant L'Abbaye de Westminster et de l'Eglise Ste. Marguerite à Londres.
DAUMONT. - 26e Vüe d'Optique Representant L'Abbaye de Westminster et de l'Eglise Ste. Marguerite à Londres.
Published: Paris 1760
Size: 255 x 390mm.
Color: In attractive strong original colours.
Condition: Mint. condition.<BR>As a result of their constant handling, optical prints - as here - in pristine condition are extremely rare.


So-called optical print illustrating a perspective view of the Westminster Abbey, in London.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many popular speciality establishments in Paris, Augsburg and London which produced optical viewing devices and special engravings to be viewed through them. In the 18th century the optical print or vue optique came into existence, whose exaggerated converging lines were intended to produce the optical illusion of deep recession. The viewing devices for which these perspective prints were produced consisted of a lens and a mirror, this requiring the use of reversed or mirror-image pictures.
  • See other items by this publisher: DAUMONT.
  • Reference N°: 22452

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