CRÉPY, Etienne-Louis. - Le Château Dauphin avec les retranchement foreé le 18. et 19. Juillet par les troupes francoises et Despagne reunie..

CRÉPY, Etienne-Louis. - Le Château Dauphin avec les retranchement foreé le 18. et 19. Juillet par les troupes francoises et Despagne reunie..
Published: Paris, 1690-1720
Size: 203 x 312mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Impression slightly faded. Else good condition.<br>Impression légèrement estompée
Vue of the stronghold of Chateau Dauphin, Casteldelfino, dominating the village of St. Eusebio. Etienne Louis Crepy (c.1700-1759) was active as an engraver and publisher active at rue St.Jacques a StPierre in Paris. He was specializing in maps and geographical prints.
In 1731 he acquired the stock of copper plates of topographical content from his father Jean Crepy.
In 1731 he acquired the stock of copper plates of topographical content from his father Jean Crepy.
- See other items by this publisher: CREPY, Etienne-Louis.
- Reference N°: 23143
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