Location: 1580
Published: Antwerp, 1580
Size: 326 x 482mm.
Color: Coloured
Condition: Some light water stain marks from upper margin into half of engraved area. Paper slightly aged. Good and dark impression. Else good condition.
Three inset maps : on the left the Tuscan region in Italy with Sienna upper left, the island of Corsica upper right, and low..
Location: 1598
Published: Anvers, 1598
Size: 330 x 490 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Wide margins and dark impression. In good condition. French text on the verso.
ORTELIUS, A. - Senensis ditionis, . . . / Corsica / Marcha Anconae . . - 41044 - Corsica - ORTELIUS, A. - Senensis ditionis,..
Location: 1600
Published: Cologne, 1600
Size: 230 x 315mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Good impression, good condition. Some discolouration of paper along center fold.
Quad's map of Corsica. With Latin text on verso, rare...
Location: 1606
Published: Amsterdam, 1606
Size: 86 x 120mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: In excellent condition, lightly age toned, one ink mark. Wide margins, dark impression in the main. Latin text on verso.
A fine miniature map of the French island of Corsica, published by Petrus Bertius in Amsterdam early in the seventeenth centu..
Location: 1620
Published: Venise, 1620
Size: 105 x 142mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: In mint condition. With letterpress on recto and verso. Size of the paper sheet : 290 x 200mm.
In the stippled sea a compass-rose in the shape of a circular disc with indication of eight wind directions by means of the f..
Location: 1634
Published: Amsterdam, 1634
Size: 180 x 245mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Paper slightly age toned. Dark impression, printed on heavy paper. Very good condition. German text beneath and on verso of map.
FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE OF THIS MAP. Blaeu's map of the French island of Corsica. East on top. A detailed and well execute..
Location: 1666
Published: Amsterdam, 1666
Size: 400 x 516mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: On double-ply paper as issued. Paper very mildly age-toned, as usual. A good and dark impression.
An eye-catching chart of the western part of the Mediterranean Sea. Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675) was one of the most important..
Location: 1685
Published: Francfort, 1685
Size: 140 x 100mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Petites taches grisâtres en bas de planche, marge un peu rognée en bas à gauche. - Good condition, paper age-toned and marginal spotting.
Charming map of Corsica shown in a perspective view of the Mediterranean Sea and embellished with fighting ships just off sho..
Location: 1692
Published: Venise, 1692
Size: 600 x 450mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Dark impression. Left hand margin slightly cut into the scale border.
One of the most decorative maps of Corsica, with in the upper right, a draped fabric that bears the map's scales is dressed w..
Location: 1692
Published: Venise, 1692
Size: 600 x 450mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Bel exemplaire.
Grande carte très décorative ornée de 4 cartouches dont un cartouche de titre, un d'échelle et un figurant la tête de Maure...
Location: 1710
Published: Amsterdam, ca. 1710
Size: 510 x 883 mm.
Color: In original colours.
Condition: Good and dark impression. Some very light browning. Generally in very fine condition. On two joined sheets.
VAN KEULEN, G. - Nieuwe en Nette Afteekening van het Eyland Corsica en het Eyland Elba vertoonende alle desselfs Havenen, St..
Location: 1713
Published: Padoue, 1713
Size: 107 x 146mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Very good condition.
Fine miniature map of Corsica. Printed by Alphonsus Lasor a Varea (aka Raffaelo Savonarola), in his "Universus terrarum orbis..
Location: 1730
Published: Marseille, 1730
Size: 180 x 250mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: In very good condition. On thick paper, paper very slightly marginally age-toned.
An attractive chart centered on Porto Vecchio. With scale and large compass-rose. Dated 1727, with the privilege of the King...
Location: 1730
Published: Nüremberg, ca. 1730
Size: 570 x 490mm.
Color: In attactive original colours.
Condition: Belle impression sur papier fort. Fortes mouillures dans les angles inf. gauche.
Ornée dans la partie sup. gauche d'un cartouche de titre décrivant une scène pittoresque corse, en haut à droite d'une descri..
Location: 1738
Published: Paris, 1738
Size: 500 x 800mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: Mouillures dans les parties supérieures et inférieures de la carte. Papier froissé le long du pli de droite.
Première édition avec la dédicace au Marquis de Brignole Sale. Delahaye sculpsit. Cette carte avait été commandée par Gênes e..
Location: 1738
Published: Paris, 1738
Size: 497 x 790mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: Bel exemplaire sur papier fort.
Striking large format map of Corsica, oriented with east at the top, prepared by Bernard-Antoine Jaillot (17..-1749). Large d..
Location: 1745
Published: Amsterdam, ca 1745
Size: 550 x 480mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: Très bel exemplaire sur papier fort. - Printed on heavy paper, slightly age-toned. Good impression. Very good condition.
Carte de Corse très décorative ornée d'un cartouche de titre composé de scènes relatives aux activités quotidiennes : pêche, ..
Location: 1746
Published: Marseille, 1732 - 1746
Size: 460 x 595mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Bonne condition générale. Très belle impression. Marge sup. gauche un peu courte. Pliures d'origine.
Rare map depicting the southern tip of Corsica around Bonifacio. Oriented with East on top. From the rare chart book by Jacqu..
Location: 1749
Published: Leipzig, 1749
Size: 167 x 202mm.
Color: In attactive original colours.
Condition: Papier légèrement bruni, infimes rousseurs.
La Corse est divisée en 2 districts, eux-mêmes divisés en pievi (la pieve est la plus ancienne division administrative de Cor..
Location: 1760
Published: Augsburg, 1760
Size: 500 x 578mm.
Color: In original colours.
Condition: In very good condition. Wide margins. Dark impression.
Map published during the uprising of the Corsican people against the Republic of Genoa. It is decorated with a wind rose comp..
Location: 1764
Published: Marseille 1764
Size: 125 x 200mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Sea chart on heavy paper with sharp impression.
Charming chart of Corsica. Showing town and harbor plan, with soundings, anchorages, rocks, shoals, fortifications, lighthous..
Location: 1768
Published: Paris, 1768
Size: 605 x 460mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Good impression.
Map undated, carries the address of Lattré, rüe St. Jaques to the City of Bordeaux and Vezou, ruë St. Guill.e Faub. S. Germ. ..
Location: 1780
Published: Venise, 1780
Size: 477 x 658mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: Quelques rousseurs éparses.
Carte de Corse, orientée Nord à gauche. En carton: Pointe de Capo Corso et une table de renvois. Cartouche de titre et rose d..