CHATELAIN, H. - Succession des Empereurs du Japon avec une ..

CHATELAIN, H. - Succession des Empereurs du Japon avec une ..
Published: Amsterdam, 1720
Size: 376 x 435mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: In very good condition. One plate + 12 accompanning pages of text.
The plate is showing the murder of one of the Medieval Emperors of Japan and the arrival of one of the early Dutch embassies in Kyoto with a small map of Japan in a central panel. Plate and text-pages from his "Atlas Historique". Bound in modern paper wrappers. With an interesting description of Japan and a chronologic summery of the ruling Emperors from 1550 till 1653.
- See other items by this publisher: CHATELAIN, H.
- Reference N°: 05063
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