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Location: 1566
Published: Lyon, Antoine Gryphe, 1566
Size: 340 x 220mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Petit in-folio de 4 ff., 365 pp. & 12 , veau fauve, plats conservés ornés d'un médaillon doré au centre, filet doré encadrant les plats. (reliure de l'époque). Reliure en partie restaurée, dos et coins refaits. Coupes et plats frottés.
Unique édition de cet ouvrage, rare lorsqu'il est complet de ses planches. L'illustration entièrement gravée sur bois compren..
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Location: 1673
Published: London : Printed by the Author at his house in White-Friers, 1673
Size: 395 x 265mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Folio. 327, 18, 106pp. engraved frontispiece, folding map of China and plan of Canton, 18 full page & 93 text page copper etchings, interior slightly browned and spotted.
FIRST ENGLISH TEXT EDITION of this most important and early resource on China and the Chinese. Three parts in one folio by Jo..
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Location: 1726
Published: Dordrecht /Amsterdam, 1724-1726
Size: 370 x 235mm.
Color: Uncoloured
Condition: Five folio volumes in eight luxury later half leather bindings, 266 plates and maps, a folding portrait of the author, an allegorical title and engraved dedication leaf with vignette, numerous text illustrations (two full-page), and 9 folding tables.<br>Volume 1; complete, in excellent condition with just some minor professional restorations; Volume 2; complete with minor professional restorations. Volume 3-1: complete, some water stains and damage on bottom right side of the book; Volume 3-2; complete with some foxing on title page; Volume 4-1; missing 4 portraits p 296,297,346 and 350, map p 26 is profesionally restored, two maps of Batavia later added; Volume 4-2: complete, some water stains throughout the whole book in the top right corner. Volume 5-1: complete only plate 32 is upside down. Volume 5-2: complete but with waterstains in top part of the second half of the book. Overall: All plates and maps are in excellent condition if not otherwise stated. The book block 37 x 23.5 cm.
"The most comprehensive work on Asia published in Europe during the early colonial period" (Landwehr). The first book to give..
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Location: 1729
Published: Amsterdam, 1729
Size: 320 x 240 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Folio. Contemporary calf spine gilt with a red gilt lettered label. Several pages a little stained as usual. Altogether in very good condition.
First French edition, published by P.Gosse, J.Neaulme and B.Lakeman. The basic work on Japan from the second half of the 17th..
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Location: 1763
Published: Amsterdam, Leipzig, 1763
Size: 242 x 283 mm.
Color: Uncoloured
Condition: (2pp), title page with engraved vignette, table of contents, 630pp, (2pp), 9 fold-out maps (cpl.), contemporary full calf leather binding with ribbed spine with floral motif, and a mention of title and volume, red edges.<br />Paper very slightly browned,
Volume 21 of this informative publication with a description of the discoveries, conquests, and settlements by the Portuguese..
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Location: 1773
Published: Zurich, Johann Kaspar Ziegler, 1754-1773
Size: 206 x 167 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: 4to. 3 parts in 3 volumes, titles printed in red and black, frontispiece and 326 engraved views, plans and maps (most folding). Contemporary vellum, titles printed in gold on spines. - 1rst volume : [1] leaf, [2], VIII, [34], 15, pp, page 3 to 98 (page 1 missing), page 103 to 270 (two times pages 193 to 196), [6] pp. - 2nd volume : [2] leaves, page 173 to 257 (wrong numbered), page 459 to 476, 277 to 442 (wrong numbered). - 3rd volume : [1] leaf, [6], 8 pp, page 1 to 22, 25 to 30, 34 to 38, 41 to 59 (recto), 224 (verso) to 225, 62 (verso) to 70.
HERRLIBERGER, D. - Neue und vollständige Topographie der Eidgnossschaft, in welcher die in den dreyzehen und zugewandten auc..
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Location: 1788
Published: Potzdam, Strasbourg, Paris, 1788
Size: 590 x 640 mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: 4to. 92pp. with large folding map. Contemp. mottled calf, with raised spine in 6 compartments. Richly gilted with coats of arms of Ducs of Luynes, and title on red morocco label.
MULLER, L. - Tableau des guerres de Frédéric le Grand: ou plans figurés de vingt-six batailles rangées, ou combats essentiel..
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Location: 1817
Published: Paris, Osterwald l'Aîné, 1817
Size: 210 x 235mm.
Color: Uncoloured
Condition: 3 volumes in-4, contemporary red demi-basane, gilted spine. Illustrated with 360 engraved plates, many by Jean-Jerome Baugean. Without the large folding map. Each print is protected by a winding, is accompanied by a sheet of narrative and descriptive.
Large paper copy, printed on quarto format (210x235mm.) on heavy paper. Illustrated with 360 engraved plates, many by Jean-J..
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Location: 1839
Published: Florence, Gaspard Ricci, 1839
Size: 192 x 120 mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: 8vo. (1), 288 pp. Original publisher's paperboard. With 1 engr. folding plan and 12 copper plates with views in Florence. Very clean copy.
BULGARINI, A. - Guide de Florence et de ses environs Redige´ sur un plan entierement nouveau par l'Abbé A. Bulgarini et Trad..
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Location: 1860
Published: Clermont-Ferrand, Talbot, ca. 1860
Size: 445 x 310mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: In-folio de 1 p. de titre et 20 pl. lithographiées brillamment coloriées à l'époque ; pleine percaline bleue, plats estampés à froid, décor doré sur le premier plat avec titre doré. (Cartonnage d'éditeur). Cartonnage légèrement sali, infimes rousseurs affectant les planches.
Album illustré de 21 lithographies (dont page de titre) sur fond bistre, sur vélin fort. Les planches d'après Ch. Bour ont ét..
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Location: 1865
Published: Paris et Nantes, Charpentier, 1865
Size: 330 x 480 mm.
Condition: 3 volumes in-folio demi-chagrin violine, dos 4 nerfs, compartiments ornés d'hermines dorées, titre or, filet or sur les nerfs. Plats encadrés de filets à froid, frappés des armes du Duché de Bretagne, tranches dorées (reliure éditeur).
BENOIST, F. - La Bretagne contemporaine. Sites pittoresques, monuments, costumes, scènes de mœurs, histoires, légendes, tra..
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Location: 1875
Published: Paris, Guérin and Cie, 1875
Size: 450 x 315 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: Two volumes (of 3) in tall 8vo (275 x 175mm.). 4 unnumbered leaves, XXXI, 446 pp.; 2 unnumbered leaves, 466 pp. + Atlas folio (450 x 315mm.), title, 30 plates, index. Contemporary red quarter-leather binding, spines with raised bands, title gilt. Bindings a bit soiled, very few browning.
MOREAU de SAINT-MERY, Médéric Louis Elie. - Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la parti..
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Location: 1897
Published: Leipzig, 1897
Size: 270 x 190 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: 4to. Two volumes bound in one. Second edition. Würzburg und Leipzig Verlag der K.U.K. Hofbuchhandlung von Leo Woerl, frontisp. and a map of Japan. XXXV 421p vii 342p.
The book has been re-bound early this century in full leather binding. Plates covered with snake-skin imitation leather. Edge..
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Location: 1904
Published: Leipzig: Spamer, 1904
Size: 240 x 160 mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: 8vo. XXXI, 296 pp.
HAMILTON, A. - Korea. Das Land des Morgenrots. Nach seinen Reisen geschildert von Angus Hamilton. Autorisierte Übersetzung a..
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Location: 848.
Published: Nantes, Charpentier, 1848.
Size: 375 x 280 mm.
Color: In attactive original colours.
Condition: 2 vol. in-folio, demi-basane brune, dos à faux nerfs (reliure de l'époque). Rousseurs éparses tout au long de l'ouvrage. Coiffes usagées, mors frottés.
Ouvrage illustré de 100 planches lithographiées. Les planches de costumes sont en coloris d'époque rehaussées de gomme arab..
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Location: 1735
Published: Paris, P. G. Le Mercier, 1735
Size: 430 x 280mm.
Color: Uncolored
Condition: 4 volumes folio ; (2) leaves, viij-lij-iv-592 pp. — (2) leaves, iv-725 pp. — (2) leaves, iv-564-(2) pp. — (2) leaves, ij-520 pp. Contemporary calf, spines divided in compartments by six raised bands, contrasting red morocco labels in two, others richly gilt with floral tools, leaf sprays, etc., sides ruled in gilt with three-line fillet, marbled endpapers, red edges. With 65 maps and plates (all but one double-page or folding); titles in red and black incorporating engraved pictorial vignette by Baquoy after Humblot; with all half-titles; woodcut head- and tailpieces, typographic ornaments, historiated and decorative initials.
First edition of this cornerstone of any collection of books on China, which is also among the rarest and most desirable of i..
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