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BLAEU, J. - Norlandiae et quibies Gestricia et Helsingicae regiones Auct: Andrea Buraeo Sueco.

BLAEU, J. -  Norlandiae et quibies Gestricia et Helsingicae regiones Auct: Andrea Buraeo Sueco.
BLAEU, J. - Norlandiae et quibies Gestricia et Helsingicae regiones Auct: Andrea Buraeo Sueco.
Published: Amsterdam, 1662
Size: 410 x 478mm.
Color: In attractive strong original colours.
Condition: Very good to mint condition. Wide margins. Two marginal brown spots. From a Dutch text edition.


Uncommon map prepared by Anders Bure (1571-1646) with a dedicational cartouche to Gabriel Bengtsson Oxenstierna.

The Atlas Maior is the epitome of decades of achievement by the Blaeu family. Published in five languages (Latin, Dutch, French, German and Spanish) from 1662, it grew to eleven or twelve volumes in its most comprehensive editions, and was as Koeman observes a "costly atlas . . . Exclusively designed for those members of the patriciate who could command both the material and intellectual resources that were needed to buy and appreciate it". Joan's father, Willem Blaeu, commenced publication of his new world atlas, the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, also referred to as the Atlas Novus, initially in two volumes, published in four languages. After succeeding his father, Joan Blaeu progressively expanded the Atlas Novus to six volumes by 1655, and this formed the first half the Atlas Maior.
  • See other items by this publisher: BLAEU, J.
  • Reference N°: 32926

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