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BLAEU, J. - Insulae Divi Martini et Uliarus, vulgo L'Isle de Ré.. Oleron.

BLAEU, J. -  Insulae Divi Martini et Uliarus, vulgo L'Isle de Ré.. Oleron.
BLAEU, J. - Insulae Divi Martini et Uliarus, vulgo L'Isle de Ré.. Oleron.
Published: Amsterdam, 1644
Size: 391 x 536mm.
Color: In attractive original colours.
Condition: Some light creasing along center fold. Very good and dark impression. French text on verso.


Map of Ré and Oléron islands. Depicting the west coast of France, showing La Rochelle. Several vessels and sailing ships dot the Atlantic ocean.
Three windroses indicate north to the left. Embellished with sea goddess and monsters.
From early on Willem Jansz. Blaeu aimed of publishing an atlas to compete with the Hondius-Jansson Atlas. By 1630, he had published at least 17 folio size maps.
Blaeu was able to realize his plan soon after he had acquired the copper plates of the atlas maps by Jodocus Hondius. The "Appendix followed in 1630.
In 1635 he finally realized a "international edition" of a world atlas, the "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum".
  • See other items by this publisher: BLAEU, J.
  • Reference N°: 45116

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