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AVELINE / ESNAUTS et RAPILLY / DAUMONT. - Veuë et Pers-pective de l'Entrée du Château de Marly en général.

AVELINE / ESNAUTS et RAPILLY / DAUMONT. -  Veuë et Pers-pective de l'Entrée du Château de Marly en général.
AVELINE / ESNAUTS et RAPILLY / DAUMONT. - Veuë et Pers-pective de l'Entrée du Château de Marly en général.
Published: Paris, c. 1760
Size: 340 x 510mm.
Color: In attactive original colors
Condition: Paper slightly browned particularly in the margins, water staining in the left-hand margin, right-hand margin a bit frayed, faint centerfold.


A rare panoramic view of the Château de Marly (Marly-le-Roi) by Aveline. The plate, at the joint address of Esnault et Rapilly and Daumont, is numbered in upper right corner N° 7. Colored in the style of optical views.

The Château de Marly was a French royal residence located in what is now Marly-le-Roi, it was demolished in 1806. At the Château of Marly, Louis XIV of France escaped from the formal rigors he was constructing at Versailles.

Esnauts et Rapilly & Daumont were print sellers and publishers, Daumont was well-known as a publisher of optical prints.
  • Reference N°: 48198

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