New England
Location: 1778
Published: Augsbourg, 1778
Size: 720 x 568mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Very good condition.
This map afforded British commanders during the Revolution an excellent overview of areas that would be crucial in the early ..
Location: 1850
Published: Berlin, 1850
Size: 235 x 365mm.
Color: Original colours.
Condition: Original hand coloured lithography printed on tinted ground.
J.Hesse was known as a portrait painter and publisher of lithographs. A long panorama of the shoreline from the sea, with sai..
Location: 1895
Published: Paris, 1895
Size: 685 x 920mm.
Color: In original o/l colours.
Condition: In perfect condition, on strong paper. Light houses coloured in yellow and red.. A few annotations in ink.
A fine French Service Hydrograhique de la Marine chart no. 4821, showing Boston Harbour, after maps of the United Coast Surv..
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