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AA, P. van der - Zee-Togt van den Grooten Turk..

AA, P. van der -  Zee-Togt van den Grooten Turk..
AA, P. van der - Zee-Togt van den Grooten Turk..
Published: Leyde, 1705
Size: 152 x 228mm.
Color: Coloured.
Condition: Wide margins, in very good condition.


A map of the Arabian Peninsula, India, and Ceylon. The map was intended to illustrate the Dutch Translation of Nuno Da Cunha's official accounts.

Nuno da Cunha was a governor of the Portuguese possessions in India from 1528 to 1538.  Named by João III, the ninth governor of Portuguese possessions in India, he served from April 1528 to 1538.  In 1529, Nuno sent an expedition that sacked and burned the city of Damão on the Arabian Sea at the mouth of the Damão River, about 100 miles north of Mumbai in the Muslim state of Gujarat. Forces under his control captured Baxay (now Vasai, often mistaken for Basra in Iraq) from the Muslim ruler of Gujarat, Bahadur Shah, on January 20, 1533.

  • See other items by this publisher: AA, P. van der
  • Reference N°: 03144

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